R Tools for FEC Campaign Finance Disclosure Data

UPDATE 10/18/2011:

Thanks to some of the comments, I was able to pare this down using R’s read.fwf() function. Here’s the new version.

# makeData_campaignFinance_v1_1.R -- copyright 10.18.2011, christopher compeau (email: my last name aht gmail dot com)
# thanks to the commentors on swordofcrom.wordpress.com for their help with read.fwf()

# use as you please but please attribute credit to christopher compeau if you publish anything
# the use of the FEC campaign finance data is subject to the rules on the FEC website
# have fun my babies. bonus points if you get yourself on some conrgessional campaign's shit list.

# this uses the 2011-2012 detailed discoloser data files at http://www.fec.gov/finance/disclosure/ftpdet.shtml
# still to be done: write tools for amended individual contributions files and other stuff as yet undiscovered.

# overpunch tool
overpunch = function(x) {
  # remove leading zeroes
  amount = sub("^0+","",x)
  sign = rep(1,length(x))
  changeChar = c(
  changes1 = grep("\\]$",amount)
  changes2 = grep("[JKLMNOPQR}]$",amount)
  sign[c(changes1,changes2)] = -1
  for (i in 1:length(changeChar)) {
    amount = eval(changeChar[i])
  holder = as.numeric(sign) * as.numeric(amount)

# Committee Master File
cmteeMasterNames = c("cmID","cmNAME","treasurer","streetOne","streetTwo","cityTown","state","zip","cmDESIG","cmTYPE","cmPARTY","fileFreq","groupCategory","orgName","candidateID")
cmteeMaster = read.fwf("~/Projects/campaign_finance/data/preprocessed/committeeMaster_2011_2012_UTF8.dta",c(9,90,38,34,34,18,2,5,1,1,3,1,1,38,9),comment.char="",strip.white=TRUE,col.names=cmteeMasterNames)
# Candidate Master File
candMasterNames = c('cndID','cndName','partyDesig1','filler1','partyDesig3','seatStatus','filler2','candidateStatus','streetOne','streetTwo','cityTown','state','zip','principalCommID','electionYear','currentDistrict')
candMaster = read.fwf(file="~/Projects/campaign_finance/data/preprocessed/candidateMaster_2011_2012_UTF8.dta",c(9,38,3,3,3,1,1,1,34,34,18,2,5,9,2,2),comment.char="",strip.white=TRUE,col.names=candMasterNames)
# Individual Contributions
individualNames = c('filerID','amendIndicator','reportType','primaryGeneral','microfilmLocation','transactionType','contributorName','cityTown','state','zip','occupation','month','transactionDay','transactionCentury','transactionYear','amount','otherID','fecRecord')
individual = read.fwf(file="~/Projects/campaign_finance/data/preprocessed/individualContributions_2011_2012_UTF8.dta",c(9,1,3,1,11,3,34,18,2,5,35,2,2,2,2,7,9,7),comment.char="",strip.white=TRUE,col.names=individualNames)
individual$amount = overpunch(individual$amount)
# Contributions from Committees
candFromCommitteesNames = c('filerID','amendIndicator','reportType','primaryGeneral','microfilmLocation','transactionType','transactionMonth','transactionDay','transactionCentury','transactionYear','amount','otherID','candidateID','fecRecord')
candFromCommittees = read.fwf(file="~/Projects/campaign_finance/data/preprocessed/candidatesFromCommittees_2011_2012_UTF8.dta",c(9,1,3,1,11,3,2,2,2,2,7,9,9,7),comment.char="", strip.white=TRUE, col.names=candFromCommitteesNames)
candFromCommittees$amount = overpunch(candFromCommittees$amount)

# Transaction from committee to another
commToCommNames = c('filerID','amendIndicator','reportType','primaryGeneral','microfilmLocation','transactionType','contributorName','cityTown','state','zip','occupation','month','transactionDay','transactionCentury','transactionYear','amount','otherID','fecRecord')
commToComm = read.fwf(file="~/Projects/campaign_finance/data/preprocessed/committeeToCommittee_2011_2012_UTF8.dta",c(9,1,3,1,11,3,34,18,2,5,35,2,2,2,2,7,9,7),comment.char="", strip.white=TRUE, col.names=commToCommNames)
commToComm$amount = overpunch(commToComm$amount)

ORIGINAL POST 10/17/2011:

For my first contribution to the blog, I wanted to make some kind of enlightening visualization of campaign finance disclosure data from the Federal Election Commission’s website. It looks like they’re working on some new, easy-to-use data dumps here, but I decided to try to use the more detailed data files here because I couldn’t really tell the difference between the two data pages, and as a rule I always of for the most granular unaggregated data when I have a choice.

Anyway, the FEC dumps the data in some weird fixed-width COBOL format that kept me from using any of the read.delim functions to get the data into R, so I had to write a bunch of little parsing functions for each data file. I spent all day yesterday on these little helpers and I haven’t yet had the opportunity to do anything interesting with the data, so I decided that I would just post the code and work on some visualizations later this week.

So in summary, this code makes each of the FEC data dump file into R data frames:

  • Committee Master File: cmteeMaster
  • Candidate Master File: candMaster
  • Individual Contributions: individuals
  • Contributions to Candidates from Committees: candFromCommittees
  • Transactions between Committees: commToComm
This data is DIRTY, and it still needs a lot of work… this code just gets it into data frames. More to come.

# makeData_campaignFinance_v1_0.R -- copyright 10.17.2011, christopher compeau (email: my last name aht gmail dot com)

# use as you please but please attribute credit to christopher compeau if you publish anything
# the use of the FEC campaign finance data is subject to the rules on the FEC website
# have fun my babies. bonus points if you get yourself on some conrgessional campaign's shit list.

# this uses the 2011-2012 detailed discoloser data files at http://www.fec.gov/finance/disclosure/ftpdet.shtml
# still to be done: write tools for amended individual contributions files and other stuff as yet undiscovered.  


trim.trailing <- function (x) {sub("\\s+$", "", x)}

# committee master file
cmMaster = function(line) {
  cmID = substr(line,1,9)
  cmNAME = substr(line,10,99)
  treasurer = substr(line,100,137)
  streetOne = substr(line,138,171)
  streetTwo = substr(line,172,205)
  cityTown = substr(line,206,223)
  state = substr(line,224,225)
  zip = substr(line,226,230)
  cmDESIG = substr(line,231,231)
  cmTYPE = substr(line,232,232)
  cmPARTY = substr(line,233,235)
  fileFreq = substr(line,236,236)
  groupCategory = substr(line,237,237)
  orgName = substr(line,238,275)
  candidateID = substr(line,276,284)
  record = c(cmID,cmNAME,treasurer,streetOne,streetTwo,cityTown,state,zip,cmDESIG,cmTYPE,cmPARTY,fileFreq,groupCategory,orgName,candidateID)
  for (i in 1:length(record)) {
    record[i] = trim.trailing(record[i])

# candidate master file
candMaster = function(line) {
  cndID = substr(line,1,9) 
  cndName = substr(line,10,47)
  partyDesig1 = substr(line,48,50)
  filler1 = substr(line,51,53)
  partyDesig3 = substr(line,54,56)
  seatStatus = substr(line,57,57)
  filler2 = substr(line,58,58)
  candidateStatus = substr(line,59,59)
  streetOne = substr(line,60,93)
  streetTwo = substr(line,94,127)
  cityTown = substr(line,128,145)
  state = substr(line,146,147)
  zip = substr(line,148,152)
  principalCommID = substr(line,153,161)
  electionYear = substr(line,162,163)
  currentDistrict = substr(line,164,165)
  record = c(cndID,cndName,partyDesig1,filler1,seatStatus,filler2,candidateStatus,streetOne,streetTwo,cityTown,state,zip,principalCommID,electionYear,currentDistrict)
  for (i in 1:length(record)) {
    record[i] = trim.trailing(record[i])

# indivudual candidate contributions, committee to committe transactions
indAndComContribution = function(line) {
  filerID = substr(line,1,9)
  amendIndicator = substr(line,10,10)
  reportType = substr(line,11,13)
  primaryGeneral = substr(line,14,14)
  microfilmLocation = substr(line,15,25)
  transactionType = substr(line,26,28)  
  contributorName = substr(line,29,62)
  cityTown = substr(line,63,80)
  state = substr(line,81,82)
  zip = substr(line,83,87)
  occupation = substr(line,88,122)
  month = substr(line,123,124)
  transactionDay = substr(line,125,126)
  transactionCentury = substr(line,127,128)
  transactionYear = substr(line,129,130)
  amount = substr(line,131,137)
  otherID = substr(line,138,146)
  fecRecord = substr(line,147,153)
  record = c(filerID,amendIndicator,reportType,primaryGeneral,microfilmLocation,transactionType,contributorName,cityTown,state,zip,occupation,month,transactionDay,transactionCentury,transactionYear,amount,otherID,fecRecord)
  for (i in 1:length(record)) {
    record[i] = trim.trailing(record[i])

# contributions to candidate from committees
candComContibution = function(line) {
  filerID = substr(line,1,9)
  amendIndicator = substr(line,10,10)
  reportType = substr(line,11,13)
  primaryGeneral = substr(line,14,14)
  microfilmLocation = substr(line,15,25)
  transactionType = substr(line,26,28)
  transactionMonth = substr(line,29,30)
  transactionDay = substr(line,31,32)
  transactionCentury = substr(line,33,34)
  transactionYear = substr(line,35,36)
  amount = substr(line,37,43)
  otherID = substr(line,44,52)
  candidateID = substr(line,53,61)
  fecRecord = substr(line,62,68)
  record = c(filerID,amendIndicator,reportType,primaryGeneral,microfilmLocation,transactionType,transactionMonth,transactionDay,transactionCentury,transactionYear,amount,otherID,candidateID,fecRecord)
  for (i in 1:length(record)) {
    record[i] = trim.trailing(record[i])

# overpunch tool
overpunch = function(x) {
  # remove leading zeroes
  amount = sub("^0+","",x)
  sign = rep(1,length(x))
  changeChar = c(
  changes1 = grep("\\]$",amount)
  changes2 = grep("[JKLMNOPQR}]$",amount)
  sign[c(changes1,changes2)] = -1
  for (i in 1:length(changeChar)) {
    amount = eval(changeChar[i])
  holder = as.numeric(sign) * as.numeric(amount)

# function using parsing tools to make data frames
# 'expsn' is an unevaluated expression for each parsing tool
# some raw data records are not the length stated in data docs
mkDataFrame = function(data,lineLength,columnNames,expsn) {
  properData = data[nchar(data, allowNA=TRUE)==lineLength]
  nRecords = length(properData)
  finalMatrix = matrix(nrow=length(properData),ncol=length(columnNames))
  for (i in 1:nRecords) { 
    result = eval(expsn)                   
    finalMatrix[i,] = result
  finalDF = as.data.frame(finalMatrix)
  names(finalDF) = columnNames

# Now use parsing tools to read data into dataframes    
# Committee Master File
cmteeMasterRaw = read.delim(file="~/Projects/campaign_finance/data/committeeMaster_2011_2012.dta", header=FALSE, sep="\n")
cmteeMasterRaw = as.character(cmteeMasterRaw[,1])
cmteeMasterNames = c("cmID","cmNAME","treasurer","streetOne","streetTwo","cityTown","state","zip","cmDESIG","cmTYPE","cmPARTY","fileFreq","groupCategory","orgName","candidateID")
cmteeMaster = mkDataFrame(cmteeMasterRaw,284,cmteeMasterNames,expression(cmMaster(properData[i])))  
# Candidate Master File
candMasterRaw = read.delim(file="~/Projects/campaign_finance/data/candidateMaster_2011_2012.dta", header=FALSE, sep="\n")
candMasterRaw = as.character(candMasterRaw[,1])
candMasterNames = c('cndID','cndName','partyDesig1','filler1','seatStatus','filler2','candidateStatus','streetOne','streetTwo','cityTown','state','zip','principalCommID','electionYear','currentDistrict')
candMaster = mkDataFrame(candMasterRaw,165,candMasterNames,expression(candMaster(properData[i])))  
# Individual Contributions
individualRaw = read.delim(file="~/Projects/campaign_finance/data/individualContributions_2011_2012.dta", header=FALSE,sep="\n")
individualRaw = as.character(individualRaw[,1])
individualNames = c('filerID','amendIndicator','reportType','primaryGeneral','microfilmLocation','transactionType','contributorName','cityTown','state','zip','occupation','month','transactionDay','transactionCentury','transactionYear','amount','otherID','fecRecord')
individuals = mkDataFrame(individualRaw,153,individualNames,expression(indAndComContribution(properData[i])))
individuals$amount = overpunch(individuals$amount)
# Contributions from Committees
candFromCommitteesRaw = read.delim(file="~/Projects/campaign_finance/data/candidatesFromCommittees_2011_2012.dta", header=FALSE, sep="\n")
candFromCommitteesRaw = as.character(candFromCommitteesRaw[,1])
candFromCommitteesNames = c('filerID','amendIndicator','reportType','primaryGeneral','microfilmLocation','transactionType','transactionMonth','transactionDay','transactionCentury','transactionYear','amount','otherID','candidateID','fecRecord')
candFromCommittees = mkDataFrame(candFromCommitteesRaw,68,candFromCommitteesNames,expression(candComContibution(properData[i])))
candFromCommittees$amount = overpunch(candFromCommittees$amount)

# Transaction from committee to another
commToCommRaw = read.delim(file="~/Projects/campaign_finance/data/comitteeToCommittee_2011_2012.dta", header=FALSE, sep="\n")
commToCommRaw = as.character(commToCommRaw[,1])
commToCommNames = c('filerID','amendIndicator','reportType','primaryGeneral','microfilmLocation','transactionType','contributorName','cityTown','state','zip','occupation','month','transactionDay','transactionCentury','transactionYear','amount','otherID','fecRecord')
commToComm = mkDataFrame(commToCommRaw,153,commToCommNames,expression(indAndComContribution(properData[i])))
commToComm$amount = overpunch(commToComm$amount)

10 thoughts on “R Tools for FEC Campaign Finance Disclosure Data

  1. I actually didn’t know about read.fwf, but I’ve been playing with it just now and I can’t get it to work.

    > t = read.fwf(“mydatafile.dta”,c(9,90,38,34,34,18,2,5,1,1,3,1,1,38,9),sep=’\n’)
    > dim(t)
    [1] 164315 1

    Using it like this, I get a data frame with 164,315 rows and one column. On first glance it appears that it is reading each field as a single record and putting it in a data frame. If that were the case, there ought to be 10,957 * 15 = 164,355 rows.

    So then I figured that there might be something weird happening with using sep=”\n”, so I omitted that and let it use the default tab separator:

    > t = read.fwf(“mydatafile.dta”,c(9,90,38,34,34,18,2,5,1,1,3,1,1,38,9))
    Error in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings, :
    line 2 did not have 15 elements

    So I’m not sure what’s going on. read.fwf() would definitely be much cleaner and easier… do you see where I might be using it incorrectly?

    • I’m trying with foiacm.dta. ?read.fwf says that sep is used internally to parse the header, so that option should be eliminated. What is happening with foiacm.dta is that some entries are (maybe) malformed. I’m not sure why. I’m guessing it is because scan gets angry when there are empty fields without a valid NA value. Setting fill = TRUE seems to get by this. strip.white should probably also be TRUE.

      • Ignore the above (mostly). See Rannath’s answer. The problem is in processing fixed width files that include the # character.

    • Odd. That seems to work too. Although initially I was at a loss as to why. After all comment.char = “” is the default of scan. However, it is not the default for read.table. read.fwf reprocesses the fwf into a tab seperated values file, writes the file, then reads it using read table. Since there are no quote characters in the reprocessed file it doesn’t know that the # that appears in some of the address fields (e.g. C00000059HALLMARK CARDS PAC) shouldn’t be interpreted as a comment. Since it thinks it is a comment, it ignroes the rest of the fields and then (as written above) scan freaks out because it doesn’t have enough fields. Which means my fill=TRUE code is wrong because it loses all of the data for C00000059HALLMARK CARDS PAC after that address field.

      • Nice… thanks for tracking this down.

        Have either of you tried using the individual contributions data file yet? There is a record in there that contains a multibye character. I read about using iconv() to change encoding for character vectors, and I know there is a command like iconv function that will change the encoding for the whole file but i haven’t been able to get it to work.

        Is there a way to change the encoding on the fly so that read.fwf() doesn’t hit a snag and throw an error when it comes to the record with the multibyte character? Or if there’s a way to get read.fwf() to just skip over records that have multibyte characters and leave them out of the final data frame without having deal with any of the headaches of encoding?

      • OK, I think I’ve figured this out.

        individual = read.fwf(file="~/Desktop/individual_UTF8.dta",c(9,1,3,1,11,3,34,18,2,5,35,2,2,2,2,7,9,7),comment.char="",strip.white=TRUE,col.names=individualNames)

        The sequence “\t” appeared somewhere in one of the data lines, which messes up read.fwf() because it uses sep=”\t” as the default separator in the header, and the documentation for read.fwf() says that this separator cannot appear anywhere else in the data. So I did a substitution to change the direction of the slash so that it doesn’t read as an escape character, and then use icon() to change the encoding and write to a new file.

        I’m sure there’s a more efficient way to do this preprocessing from the command line, but my goal is to do all of this in R.

  2. We have also done some work with the FEC data and found that using the NY times API was much easier than extracting and cleaning the files available from the FEC. We wrote a python script to pass a list of zip codes in our area and extract all contributions to a JSON file. From there, it was easy to import into your tool of choice.


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